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2023 Publishing Symposium: Publishing Panel

Wednesday, March 1, 2023
7:30 pm
Virtual, via Zoom

In this ZOOM panel, we’ll discuss what publishers are looking for in new authors and work, trends and tips in getting published, what the publishing process is like, and how these professionals made it to where they are today.

Our guests are:

Katie McKee is the Assistant Director of Publicity and Literary Fiction Specialist at Putnam, an imprint of Penguin Random House. Over her 18 years at Putnam, she has worked on over 100 New York Times bestsellers, including WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING by Delia Owens, BIG LITTLE LIES by Liane Moriarty, THE IMMORTALISTS by Chloe Benjamin, THE PROPHETS by Robert Jones, Jr., and SUCH A FUN AGE by Kiley Reid. 

Alex Rice is an Agent in the Books department at the leading entertainment and sports agency Creative Artists Agency (CAA). She is based in the New York office, and works across all departments to create publishing opportunities for the agency’s clients, with a focus on women’s and commercial fiction, pop culture and criticism, and young adult and middle grade across all genres.  Alex graduated from Miami University Ohio with a degree in English Literature.

Beth Weeks, an author and editor, received her MFA from Miami University.  Her fiction most recently appeared in The Write Launch, Barren Magazine, and Rivet Journal. Her work has been supported by the Tin House Workshop and New York State Summer Writers Institute. She was a finalist for the Hudson Prize. She recently founded and edits OFIC, a quarterly literary magazine and independent press. She is working as a freelance editor and writing coach.

This event is sponsored by the Department of English, contact Brian Roley and Emily Spencer with any questions.

Alex Rice, Katie McKee, & Beth Weeks
Alex Rice, Katie McKee, & Beth Weeks