Exploring the intersections of economics, politics, and society, the Political Economy Workshop invites faculty to present and study scholarly work in political economy, broadly defined.
The Environmental Humanities group explores the intersections of ecology, environment and culture. The group holds regular seminars and invited lectures on topics such as energy humanities, ecocriticism, posthumanism, environmental philosophy and history, urban, and political ecology. Members won a Research Collaborative Award for a yearlong project entitled Approaching Extinction.
The oldest and largest of Miami’s humanities research clusters, the Early Modern Collective offers faculty from all areas of the humanities the opportunity to receive critical feedback on their scholarship. It has been instrumental in advancing the research programs of scholars in English, French and Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, Art History and History, among other disciplines. It remains a crucial vehicle for the exchange of ideas and for the cultivation of partnerships across disciplinary boundaries.
This research group focuses on the development of research at the intersection of medicine and the humanities, involving not only the history of medicine and narrative medicine but also bioethics. Members also organized an Altman Program and created a medical humanities minor.
The American Cultures Seminar is an interdisciplinary group for faculty and graduate students working on any aspect of American history or culture, broadly defined. Each seminar meeting is led by a different member and can take a variety of forms. The leader can present work-in-progress, whether by pre-circulating a paper or giving a presentation with discussion; suggest a book or articles for seminar participants to read and discuss; or invite a visiting scholar to the seminar with support from the Humanities Center and seminar coordinators.
The group brings together faculty and graduate students who conduct research on language. The group aims to bolster language research, exposing memers to new perspectives and critiques, and offering opportunities for new collaborations across different departments and fields. Members present works-in-progress in a lively and engaging forum.
The core of the Altman Program, this biweekly seminar convenes the 12-18 Altman faculty and student fellows involved in the program. The topic changes yearly and the format is decided collectively by the program faculty. Seminars are typically devoted to discussion of pathbreaking scholarship and the emerging work of participants.
This group studies the relationship between scholarly knowledge and the circulation of ideas in the public sphere. Through discussion, workshops, and public events, members explore the history of scholarly outreach and best practices for engaging the public in reflection on history, culture, ethics, and politics. Topics include podcasting, museums and exhibits, storytelling and oral history, public art, documentary media, public writing, and community and school collaborations.
The Film and Media Studies Research Cluster is a collaborative forum for faculty who are actively engaged in film and media studies teaching and scholarship. Group meetings take a variety of formats: seminar discussions of pre-selected monographs or papers; work-in-progress talks; working lunches with invited speakers; professional development workshops, etc. The group is currently inactive.
The Digital Humanities Working Group assesses institutional capacities for new digital resources and projects, writes grant applications for external funding, and organizes public events related to digital humanities. This group is currently inactive.