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A Multicultural Symposium

Thursday, October 5, 2017
5:00 pm
Irvin Hall 40

Paul Bélanger is a highly respected poet in the francophone world, and the director of Les Éditions du Noroît, Montreal.

The event includes a multilingual poetry reading and a multicultural panel on “Theory Vs. Creativity.” Presenters and Panelists: Paul Bélanger, Keith Tuma, Cathy Wagner, Paula Gandâra, María Auxiliadora Álvarez. Moderator: Jessica Gordon-Burrough. Translator: Sarah Agou. 

Reception following the event.

Sponsored by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, the Department of French and Italian through the Irvin Lecture Fund, the Department of English Creative Writing Program, and the Humanities Center.

Paul Bélanger
Paul Bélanger
professor, Université du Québec