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Black and White image of the span of the Brookly Bridge

American Cultures Seminar

Wednesday, November 28, 2018
5:30 pm
Bachelor Hall 337
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Come join the American Cultures Seminar for a Work in Progress talk with Lindsay Schakenbach Regele. A pre circulated paper must be read prior to attendance and can be obtained by email Michele Navakas at

Lindsay Schakenbach Regele graduated from Brown University with her PhD. Her research interests include the Early American Republic and the History of Capitalism. Her publications include "From Discontented Bostonians to Patriotic Industrialists: The Boston Associates and the Transcontinental Treaty, 1790-1825, New England Quarterly 84, September 2011, "Schemers, Dreamers, and a Revolutionary Foreign Policy: New York City in the Era of Second Independence, 1805-1815," New York History 94/3-4, Summer/Fall 2013, "Early National Bro Culture in Daniel Parker's War Department," Common-place: the Journal of early American life 17, no. 2, Winter 2017, "The World's Best Carpets: Erastus Bigelow and the Financing of Antebellum Innovation," Technology & Culture 59, no. 1, January 2018, "Industrial Manifest Destiny: American Firearms Manufacturing and Antebellum Expansion," Business History Review 92, Spring 2018, 57-83, and "Print-your-own gun debate ignores how the US government long provided and regulated firearms," The Conversation, (1 August 2018). She is also the recipient of multiple awards and grants including, Hazeltine Fellowship for Graduate Research in Entrepreneurship, The C.V. Starr Program in Business, Entrepreneurship and Organizations, Brown University, 2014-15, Karen B. and Hall J. Peterson Fellowship, American Antiquarian Society, 2014-15,Fellowship, Program in Early American Economy and Society, Library Company, Philadelphia PA, Spring Semester 2015-16 and Huntington Library, Robert L. Middlekauff Fellowship, 2017-2018.

Reception to follow.

Lindsay Schakenbach Regele
Lindsay Schakenbach Regele
Assistant Professor of History, Miami Univesity