Julia Cumes will deliver a talk entilted "Trans(formation): A Collaborative Portrait Series Exploring Gender Identity on Cape Cod". The talk is a reflection on her current work created through a collaborative process between photographer and subject. Each portrait and caption in the collection tells the unique story of its subject’s journey. Cumes hopes to confront viewers with the expressive power and diversity of human gender identity and ask them to reexamine their assumptions.
The project was initially inspired by her nephew, Naia, who is trans and who made Cumes realize how little visual representation there was of the transgender community on Cape Cod. One of the people she photographed and interviewed early on in the project told her that statistically, there are more people who think they’ve seen a ghost than people who think they’ve seen a trans person. Cumes was so struck by this comment and hopes the project leads to greater understanding and appreciation of this vital community and their individual stories and contributions.
Having focused on stories about women and the struggles they face worldwide throughout her career, this new exhibit is aligned with Cume's interest in giving visibility and voice to those who are sometimes not seen or heard.