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Teaching Truth in a Populist Age

Wednesday, November 20, 2024
12:00 pm
Harrison Room, Shriver Center
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Each month, the Humanities Center invites faculty and graduate students to gather for lunch and discussion of an important issues.

The topic this time is “Teaching Truth in a Populist Age," with Sarah Stitlzlein.

To reason together well, we must seek and tell the truth. But when political factions and media outlets cannot agree on basic facts, students often enter class unsure of what is true—or deeply attached to rival views of reality.  Investigating honesty, truth, and their relation to democracy is crucial to educating citizens. How do we do this crucial work today?  

Participants are invited to read “How Do We Teach Honesty in a Dishonest World?” by Sarah Stitzlein. You are welcome to come even if you do not have time to read.

Sarah Stitzlein is Professor of Education at the University of Cincinnati and a former Miami humanities student. She graduated from Miami with a B.A. in philosophy and an M.Ed. in educational leadership. She is the author of American Public Education and the Responsibility of its Citizens: Supporting Democracy in an Age of Accountability and Reviving Hope in Democracy: Teaching Hope and Overcoming Despair. She has been commissioned by UNESCO and the National Academy of Education to write about improving civic reasoning and dialogue in the United States.

At the lunch, vegetarian and turkey sandwiches will be provided to faculty members who RSVP to by 5 PM, Friday, Nov. 15. You are welcome to bring your own lunch, if that is your preference.

Please also plan to be at Sarah Stitzlein’s lecture, “Hope, Humanities, and the Future of Democracy,” at 5 PM, November 20 in Dolibois Room A of the Shriver Center. The lecture will be followed by a reception.

The Humanities Center’s Faculty Lunch Forum meets approximately once per month to discuss topics of general interest, including trends in higher education, questions of policy, emerging fields of study, curriculum, teaching challenges, and issues related to career stage. This is the fifth and final meeting of the fall.  The forum will resume again in February.

Sarah Stitzlein
Sarah Stitzlein
Professor of Education at the University of Cincinnati