Professor Marí will introduce ecocinema and ecopedagogy, elaborating on how, with synergistic energy, they converge in the classroom and beyond.
Jorge (Jordi) Marí is professor of Iberian socio-environmental cultural studies, film, and literature at North Carolina State University. His books include Tracing the Borders of Spanish Horror Cinema and Television; Ventanas sobre el Atlántico: España-EE.UU. durante el postfranquismo; and Lecturas espectaculares: el cine en la novela española desde 1970. He has also edited a special issue of the journal Humanities devoted to Future Imaginaries in Spanish and Latin American Eco-Cinema. He has authored numerous essays on socio-environmental cultural studies, film, literature, historical memory, music, and other cultural topics. He is currently working on a monograph on eco-pedagogical approaches to Iberian film studies.
A reception is to follow the lecture.
Sponsored by the Spanish and Portuguese Department