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Ecocinema & Ecopedagogy: A Down-to-Earth Introduction

Monday, February 17, 2025
5:00 pm
Kreger Hall 319

Professor Marí will introduce ecocinema and ecopedagogy, elaborating on how, with synergistic energy, they converge in the classroom and beyond.

Jorge (Jordi) Marí is professor of Iberian socio-environmental cultural studies, film, and literature at North Carolina State University. His books include Tracing the Borders of Spanish Horror Cinema and Television; Ventanas sobre el Atlántico: España-EE.UU. durante el postfranquismo; and Lecturas espectaculares: el cine en la novela española desde 1970. He has also edited a special issue of the journal Humanities devoted to Future Imaginaries in Spanish and Latin American Eco-Cinema. He has authored numerous essays on socio-environmental cultural studies, film, literature, historical memory, music, and other cultural topics.  He is currently working on a monograph on eco-pedagogical approaches to Iberian film studies.

A reception is to follow the lecture.

Sponsored by the Spanish and Portuguese Department

Dr. Jorge Marí
Dr. Jorge Marí
Professor of Iberian Socio-environmental Cultural Studies, Film, and Literature at North Carolina State University