Gathering Blue tells a suspenseful tale of the power of creativity to fight brutality. The story follows Kira, a young gifted artist who must weave an important robe that recalls the history of the world for the village where she lives. Will she be able to use her knowledge and art to reshape the future?
“Five out of five stars … An enchanting and empowering story that shows the power of art and the importance of thinking for yourself.” —PDX Kids Calendar
Written by Eric Coble, adapted from the book by Lois Lowry, Directed by Rosalyn Erat Benson
Production Dates & Times:
November 15, 16, 18, 7:30 pm
School Matinee November 17
November 19 , 2:00 pm
Tickets can be purchased online or by contacting the Miami Box Office 513-529-3200. The Miami Box Office, located in the Campus Avenue Building, is open Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for walk-up purchases.
The Box Office in the Center for Performing Arts lobby is open one hour before curtain for door sales and will-call.
For additional information about the productions please contact the Department of Theatre at 513-529-3053.