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the smoking ruins of homes in Rosewood, Florida

The “Rosewood Massacre” of 1923 and the Strange History of American Reporting on Race and Violence

Tuesday, October 10, 2017
4:00 pm
John E. Dolibois Room A, Shriver Center
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Journalist/author Gary Moore has reported in depth on mass violence and other subjects both internationally and in American history. He has contributed at various times to Newsweek, The Washington Post Magazine, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago TribuneChicago MagazineSeattle Magazine, the Miami Herald, the Orlando Sentinel, Seattle Weekly, the Encyclopedia of Chicago HistoryABC News60 Minutes, National Public Radio, and other media. At the United Nations, he served as temporary office manager of the New York Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights, as war crimes investigator for international judges in the Balkans, and as author of the Kosovo area manual. Holding a degree in Spanish, he has investigated massacre sites and lynching incidents in Mexico and Central America. He was assigned to provide narration for an ABC News/Discovery Channel documentary on the Rosewood incident and was consultant to separate investigations of Rosewood by the Florida Attorney General's Office, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Florida State University System. He has received the William Allen White Award for excellence in regional magazine journalism.

Gary Moore
Gary Moore