A lecture by Madelyn Detloff on Ethics in World Crises through the New Yorker Writers.
Madelyn Detloff is Professor of English and Global and Interncultural
Studies and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Her teaching and
research interests include cultural studies, queer studies, crip theory,
literary modernism (especially Virginia Woolf and H.D.), trauma
studies, and interdisciplinary inquiry and writing. At UCSB she was
recipient of an Academic Senate Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award.
Dr. Detloff is author of two scholarly books, The Value of Woolf (Cambridge University Press, 2016) and The Persistence of Modernism: Loss and Mourning in the Twentieth Century (Cambridge University Press, 2009). She is co-editor of two scholarly volumes, Queer Bloomsbury (Edinburgh University Press, 2016) and Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism(Clemson University Press, 2008).
Discussion and reception to follow.