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Daryl Baldwin pointing at a blackboard

myaamiaki aancihsaaciki: The Miami Tribe Removal - A Journey of Healing

Thursday, September 3, 2020
5:00 pm
virtual, via Zoom
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Daryl Baldwin's lecture kicks off the 2020-2021 John W. Altman Program in the Humanities: Migrations. The 2020-2021 Altman Program invites the Miami University community to explore the geographical, artistic, psychological, cultural, and linguistic aspects of human migration. What are the causes—economic, religious, ethnic, political, environmental—of exodus and resettlement? What can we learn from those who have left, or been driven from, their homelands? Whose stories of migration gain traction, and what are the politics of its representation? What new aesthetic formations result from migration? And how can modern societies use the history of global migrations to chart ethical solutions to the challenges of the present?

Daryl Baldwin (Kinwalaniihsia), Assistant Professor and Founding Director of the Myaamia Center at Miami University is a linguist and cultural preservationist. A citizen of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma, he has dedicated much of his career to the revitalization of the linguistic, cultural, and intellectual heritage of the Myaamia (Miami) nation. He is the author of numerous books and articles about the Myaamia language and the recipient of large grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the National Science Foundation for National Breath of Life, whose workshops and digital tools facilitate indigenous language revitalization across the country. His lifetime achievements and influence on the other Indigenous language recovery efforts were recognized with a MacArthur Foundation Genius Award in 2016.

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Daryl Baldwin
Daryl Baldwin
Miami University, Myaamia Center