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on the left stands Jesus Christ with his many disicples as it moves along the people on the outside looking in look more modern as the center of the picture is three figures all turning away from each other covered in fireworks, birds, and branches. One is writing, one is painting and the back one has their back turned to the audience. On the right of the drawing there are multiple people marching with flags in their hands and white signs as if protesting. There's a factory in the background.

"Portrait of a Big History: A Russian Artist Revisits the Past"

Thursday, April 18, 2024
4:30 pm
King Library 320
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Renowned Russian artist Victoria Lomasko, now living in exile in Germany, will talk about her graphic reporting, her three books, about her artist transition from visual reportages to murals and about Russia's way from democracy to dictatorship.

Victoria Lomasko is a Russian graphic artist who was born in Serpukhov, Russia in 1978. Her work focuses on graphic reportage through the means of murals and graphic art in literature. In 2019, Lomasko completed a mural entitled "Atlases" commissioned by the Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies. It now hangs on the third floor of King Library.

Victoria Lomasko
Victoria Lomasko