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Prison Bars

Revivifying Narratives: Death Row, Willie Francis, and Imprisoned Radical Intellectualism in Ernest Gaines's A Lesson Before Dying.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018
4:00 pm
Bachelor Hall 337

English Alumnus Patrick Alexander will discuss narratives about death row and imprisoned radicalism.

Dr. Patrick Elliot Alexander is Assistant Professor of English and African American Studies and co-founder of the University of Mississippi Prison-to-College Pipeline Program. Dr. Alexander holds a Ph.D. in English from Duke University. A specialist in African American literature, 19th-century American literature, and critical prison studies, he has published reviews in American Literature and Obsidian, and has authored articles on teaching African American literature in college-in-prison programs that are published or forthcoming in south: a scholarly journal, The Journal of African American History, and Reflections: A Journal of Writing, Service-Learning, and Community Literacy. Dr. Alexander published his first book, From Slave Ship to Supermax: Mass Incarceration, Prisoner Abuse, and the New Neo-Slave Novel, with Temple University Press.Screen reader support enabled.

Patrick Alexander
Patrick Alexander
University of Mississippi