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Rachel Carson and Environmental Justice: Her Legacy for Today

Tuesday, March 5, 2024
5:00 pm
Shriver Center, JDOL-A
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Rachel Carson warned very early about factory farms, toxic chemicals, climate change, and ocean justice. In Dr. Musil's lecture, he will talk about his involvement in decades of fights for sustainability and justice, how the Rachel Carson Council uses Carson's environmental ethic for today's critical issues, and how you can help.

Robert K. Musil, PhD, MPH is the President and CEO of the Rachel Carson Council, the legacy environmental organization envisioned by Rachel Carson and founded in 1965 by her closest friends and colleagues. He is the founder of the Rachel Carson Council Campus Network of 67 U.S. colleges and universities with over 5,000 active faculty, student, staff and administration supporters. Bob speaks widely at colleges, civic organizations, and churches, heads RCC campaigns on global climate change and environmental justice and is a leading advocate on Capitol Hill.

Dr. Musil is a graduate of Yale and Northwestern Universities and the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. He is the author of Hope for a Heated Planet: How Americans are Fighting Global Warming and Building a Better Future (Rutgers University Press); Rachel Carson and Her Sisters: Extraordinary Women Who Have Shaped America’s Environment (Rutgers); and Washington in Spring: A Nature Journal for a Changing Capital (Bartleby Press).

Dr. Robert Musil
Dr. Robert Musil
President & CEO of the Rachel Carson Council