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The College Athlete Employment Movement: Why "Pay for Play" Misses the Point

Monday, March 18, 2019
6:00 pm
001 Upham Hall

Ellen J. Staurowsky, Ed.D., is a full professor in the Department of Sport Management at Drexel University. She is a fellow of both the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) and the AAHPERD Research Consortium.

Dr. Staurowsky is internationally recognized as an expert on social justice issues in sport which include gender equity and Title IX, pay equity and equal employment opportunity, college athletes’ rights and the exploitation of college athletes, the faculty role in reforming college sport, representation of women in sport media, and the misappropriation of American Indian imagery in sport. She is co-author of the book, College Athletes for Hire: The Evolution and Legacy of the NCAA Amateur Myth (Praeger Press) and editor and author of Women and Sport: A Continuing Journey from Liberation to Celebration (Human Kinetics Publishers).

In addition to publications in scholarly journals such as the* Harvard Journal of Law and Gender, Journal of Sport and Social Issues, Sociology of Sport Journal, Quest, Journal of Sport Management, the International Journal of Sport Sociology, the Marquette Sports Law Review, the Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport, the International Journal of Sport History, and Sport Management Review her critiques and analyses on a variety of issues have appeared in *The Chronicle of Higher Education, Huffington Post, Street & Smith’s SportsBusiness Journal, The NCAA News, The New York Times, The Atlantic, Athletic Management Magazine, and News From Indian Country. She was a columnist with the College Sport Business News, Women in Coaching Blog, and co-founder and editor of the LBGT Issues in Sport: Theory to Practice Blog. She currently serves as a contributing/senior writer with Sports Litigation Alert.

She has served as a research consultant to the National College Players Association, co-authoring several reports addressing issues regarding college football and basketball player value, including The $6 Billion Heist: Robbing College Athletes Under the Guise of Amateurism, TV Money Windfall in Big Time College Sports: $784 Million Reasons for Reform, The Price of Poverty: A Comparison of Big-Time College Athletes Fair Market Value, Their Current Compensation, and the U.S. Federal Poverty Line, and An Examination of the Financial Shortfall for Athletes on Full Scholarship at NCAA Division I Institutions – 2009-2010.

As a researcher and advocate on behalf of women in sport, she has served as the lead author on the Women’s Sports Foundation’s comprehensive and expansive research report entitled* Her Life Depends on It: Sport and Physical Activity in the Lives of American Girls and Wome*n (second and third editions). She also co-authored WSF’s report on women in the college sport workplace entitled* Beyond X’s and O’s: Gender Bias and Coaches of Women’s Teams*.

As a teacher and researcher, she has received numerous honors including the Women’s Sports Foundation Researcher of the Year award, the National Association for Girls and Women in Sport’s President’s Award, the University of South Carolina College Sport Research Institute’s Lifetime Research Achievement Award, and the Laughlin Education Award from Ursinus College for her contributions to education nationally.

Ellen J. Staurowsky
Ellen J. Staurowsky
Drexel University