The Humanities Center Winter Research Institute provides intellectual community and support for students working on individual research projects in history, philosophy, literature, media, cultural studies, religion, anthropology, classics, rhetoric, modern languages, and other humanities subjects.
In 2024, the Winter Research Institute will take place in one of the world's most famous archives: the British Library in London, England. The Winter Institute allows students to journey to London from January 2-15, 2024. Students will work with Kimberly Hamlin, Professor of History, earning three-credits in HUM 490/HUM 590.
A brief description of the program follows. For a full description of all details, including application instructions, please visit this page.
Every year, historians, literary scholars, novelists, philosophers, journalists, filmmakers, composers, linguists, and theologians, to name just a few examples, rely on the British Library's collections to advance their work. Students will also be asked to think critically about the nature and history of collecting artifacts and archives: to whom does the past belong? whose stories are highlighted in the archives? whose are obscured? This workshop is taught by award-winning Miami University faculty with extensive research experience, at the British Library and beyond, and it will be a mixture of class work and independent research. Each day, staff from the British Library and/or the lead professor will introduce students to a new research collection or source, demonstrating how students can access and analyze all sorts of materials. Then, each afternoon, students will work on their own independent research in consultation with the professor who will remain onsite to provide guidance and feedback. Workshop participants will meet a few times in advance of the trip to London to ensure that all students arrive onsite with a well-crafted research plan. Students will also have the opportunity to take a day-trip to Oxford and to conduct research at other London institutions, including the Wellcome Collection and the London School of Economics. Students will also have the opportunity to meet with London-based Miami University alumni and other guest speakers. In addition, this workshop will introduce students to some of London's most important sights and attractions, including theater and museum excursions. The New York Times recently named London the best city to visit on the planet. Come find out why!
Applications now being accepted; apply by October 1, 2023.